Saturday, October 17, 2009

Pop culture is a specific disadvantage

I have always had a personal problem with addressing pop culture topics.

I define pop culture as having anything to do with what is currently drawing the attention of the masses.

Granted there are some topics that really deserve to be addressed by as many people as possible, getting a larger dialog started, getting people thinking.

The only real problem with that, as I see it, is that it actually gets people NOT thinking. They regurgitate.

Someone they respect or someone whom they feel is intelligent says something that sounds like it makes sense and then they just spit that info back out into the world, over and over, spinning it with their own bits of whatever.

Now, the argument can be made that all knowledge is basically that. Just regurgitation of someone elses thoughts. I would agree in a very general sense, however, since there is nothing new under the sun, one has no choice but to pursue pathways that were forged originally by another.

Original thought comes from examining the existing information and trying to spin it in NEW directions. Taking things apart to see if the inner workings explain the outer function.

THAT is not what most people do. They swallow the whole concept and regurgitate it along with last nights dinner mixed in for personal taste.

Now, I KNOW that making statements with words like "Most people" or "Many" is a flawed statement as it is presumptuous in nature. It gives the impression that I think I know what a majority of the people in the world do or think. Kinda sloppy and disingenuous at best.

I have always spoken from a zero point. Myself. My experiences, my view based on what and who I have interacted with.

For someone who keeps very few social interactions and friends, you talk a big game about the larger world. Shouldn't you go out and expereince it for yourself before making any kind of call?

Hi, allow me to introduce you to a concept called OBSERVANCE... Say it with me now OB SERV ANCE .... GOOD!

See, just because I don't directly talk to people everyday does not mean I do not interact with them. At work, on the news, online, when I go to the store, going to the movies... Etc etc etc

I listen, I watch, I overhear.

Taking a baseline reading from multiple locations can give you a pretty good GENERAL sense of the world around you.

The point of this whole thing is that I attempt to practice what I preach. I do not want to feed the shared reality that I have to endure everyday.

If I were to talk about the ballon boy and his family. The most recent attempt to grab the attention of the media.

Believe me, I have an opinion on the matter. One that is in someways shared by a few people whom I have either seen or read their take on things (Vlog as well as Blog)

Everyword that I would post about it. Every ranting statement, only feeds that bullshit.

This is the world we have all come to inhabit. The desire to feed the popular culture with completely vapid tripe.

Are we working towards a state of world peace? What are the wrongs that people are striving to right? What cultures are being slaughtered under the treads of genocide?

Oh FUCK THAT! Britney Duff and Hillery Hilton are not wearing underwear while shopping for new purse dogs! NOW THAT'S WHAT WE NEED TO KNOW!!!

This is a Pop CULTURE!

Distraction and down right disregard for life in exchange for this Hollywood sham are what people ingest willingly and with much zeal.

The zealotry of willful ignorance.

Ask not what you can do for your country, but instead demand that your country give you everything for nothing in return.

So yes, I don't think I will have much to say on the matter, I don't have it in me too feed the animals.

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