Saturday, October 10, 2009

Champagne bottles break

So here we are, looking at a brand new platform. Using a medium that has been run into the ground on a flaming dead horse.

Blogging. It is supposedly the new front for enlightening and educating the masses of the world.

The words, unfiltered through mass media, available to any and all who have the capacity to simply switch on the magic internet box and stare at the glowing crystals (Except for you suckers that still have the old tube driven monitors)

There is nothing new under the sun nor on the internet. Everything has been said before with the same modicum of sarcasm, ire and pseudo wit.

This platform is where the disingenuous and cutting edge come together to freely express their opinions and thoughts, hoping to connect with others of a like minded state of life fed inebriation.

With all of this supposed disdain and emotional out pooring, why then, oh sharp witted observer, do you begin to practice the same exact process as they?

Why would I decide on the spur of the moment to start a blog?

Well to be perfectly frank, I was sitting here listening to Otep, Smash the Control Machine, specifically. I became intrigued by the band because of the lyrics of that song.

Any band that talks of breaking social norms to achieve a greater place in the world, I am willing to listen to. If the music sucks, I don't listen very long.

As I sat here, watching the video for the song, trying to focus on the lyrics, I started to think, which is something do pretty much every waking moment of my existence.

If one were to believe the words and expressed thoughts of some, then the tools of the oppressors are used to instill a sense of impotent revolution.

Laymans terms: If the system wants people to feel reactive, they allow people an icon to direct that reaction to a red herring.

No functional system of control allows an open figurehead of rebellion. So put out a face and a voice that rallies the dissidents and sets them in motion with idealistic functionality, all the while completely aware of where the "resistance" is headed.

So here we come full circle back to the concept of the internet and what it affords the average man. A voice to cry out against tyranny, as perceived by them. Any and all. The individual is not required to have a unified concept of what those forces are, they just wail away and decry.

As says the American right to free speech. The capacity to speak out in a manner (With in the boundaries of the law of course) that rattles a saber in the faces of our enemies...

The most effective tool of repression is the one where the repressed uses it on themselves.

Do you not see the brilliance of this construct? This "powerful tool of expression" this "voice of the free man"

It's a scam, a ruse, a smoke and mirror tactic.

You speak your words into a void. A endless soulless void. A void that is controlled by the controllers. The same exact entity that you beat your chest and "defy"

Let us postulate that your words are heard by others. Your impassioned battle cry is picked up by someone else. They embrace your muse and then... tell others, who read your words and tell even more... All of them sitting, in front of their boxes, rattling their sabers at their monitors, speaking about change and revolution. Typing furiously away into that void...

And actually doing JACK SHIT.

All that focus is placed exactly where it was meant to go, by means of the tool allowing yout to generate it.

Or what about the plan of attack that actually says "We will react! We will do something!"

Once again, the void is ever listening.

Your tools of resistance were built and distribute by the exact system you have sworn to disassemble.

So you say "How else are we to unify so many over such a great distance? This tool has been created so we can organize and act!"

Throughout history there have been many revolutions. Many men and women of the world who united and stood up to a system they wished to topple.

How did they achieve such power? How did they unify? They had no computer, no internet, no world wide web.

They started as small groups that ACTUALLY gathered and exchanged ideas, then those groups had members that communicated between them DIRECTLY.

There was no outside tool. Those governments did not supply the mouths they used to communicate. They didn't have access to the paper and pen.

This message is not about insighting a revolution or a resistance of any fashion. It can't be. It suffers the exact same flaws as it points out.

No, this blog is simply an attempt to shed perspective.

You wanna wake up the world, you gotta think differently, act differently, assume the price of being different.


  1. Pissing laughing here at Sean's comment. Why don't I know this person.:D

  2. Veebs' Meet Sean Bedlam. An Infamous man about town as well as an astute and scathing social comedian. :) You can find him on YouTube under the same name.

  3. The internet is where we go to confirm our worst fears of the unknown by misapplying cherry picked data points.

    Rational thought is dead. Long live rational thought!
