Monday, October 12, 2009

The frustration of unemployment

I am not alone in this desperation and depression.

They talk about the feelings of worthlessness when it comes to being without a job.
A sense of lacking any value as you have no functional place in active society.

I question that particular take but the feelings are still the same regardless.

That philosophy implies a truth but the guise it takes I have a distinct disregard and dislike for.

To say that a person feels as they do because they are not currently a cog in the machine to make money for someone else is a load of bullshit.

There are those that carry that particular concept. They have bought into the ideal that a person's value is directly proportionate to the role they play in the business/working world.

That without their jobs, they are somehow less of a person because every red blooded, democratic 'Merican is a working 'Merican. "I am no freeloader! I earn my keep!"

I would just like those people who are now unemployed to take a moment and realize that the reason they are unemployed is because the businesses and corps that they were wageslaves to are the ONES THAT PUT THEM IN THIS PLACE.

Those corps do not care about the efforts, do not care about the dedication, DO NOT CARE about the well being of them. They only care about profit. The number of dollars generated.

Some office fat cat sat behind a desk (No this is not a Dr. Seuss book, unless it is called "The Boss That Tossed YOUR ass" and while pulling a salary, decided that others had to be axed for the "good of the future of the company" which is exec speak for "Money money money, more money money money"

I got to look at the exec that axed me. I sat right across the table from him when he and my direct boss at the time (A really fucking excellent manager. This dude was one in a billion) explained to me that my position at the company had been declared a necessary reduction.

The company was cutting back and therefore what I did apparently was no longer needed (Contrary to the fact that they just pushed my role onto the shouders of the Sys Admin that was doing his job already)

I sit here and I feel terrible. Because I am not working? Yes. Because I feel worthless? Yes. Because I am not a valuable member of society? FUCK NO

I have a desire to continue to have a roof over my head, food in my fridge, an internet connection to keep me plugged in (Into the void that almost certainly has no concern for my well being) so that I can maintain what little social interaction I do have with the few people in my life whom I have never met but connect with all the same.

I have been on the streets. I have gone without. I have been cold, wet and hungry and I DO NOT want to go back to that. Sleeping in elevator shafts in the winter is no fun, let me tell ya.

I feel worthless because I have no purpose. I do not define myself by my job. If I had an outlet that I could partake of, the time would not weigh so heavily on me.

I have worked shit jobs and hated myself and the world around me because of them.

No. A job is not the source. A job is not the reason a man should get up in the morning (Although I salute those that have found their fulfillment in doing what they do. It is a blessing and I congratulate you for it0

I feel as I do because I have nothing that I can look to as a result of my personal efforts.

I am not making a mark in the world. I do not exist.

It is not the corps that make you who you are. It is not the pay checks, it is not the unnecessary crap you buy to fill your house with, to remind yourself that you have value.

All of that is the illusion people maintain to blind themselves to the simple truth that we are simply human beings and only really truely exist when we are connected to our fellow man.
When we make the world a better place for ourselves, our family and our communities... Hell even the world itself.

The men and women of today have all been fed a lie to perpetuate the reality of today. We are cogs in the machine of industry. We have been fed the bullshit of false pretense and purpose.

"Society", as I have always said, is a joke... Let me prove it to you:

From Society

Definition #4 (The other 3 defined society simply as a group of people, which in and of itself is the truth but not the standing definition as expressed when using the term to reflect the travesty that is the modern day "community")

a highly structured system of human organization for large-scale community living that normally furnishes protection, continuity, security, and a national identity for its members: American society.

We are not a "human organization for large scale community"

We are a group of individuals who live under common law.

There is no room in "Society" for caring about your fellow neighbor (Although I have to say that I am seeing people come together in this national crisis... and yes, this financial clusterfuck and failure of economy is a crisis.)

The 80's brought forth the concept of the ME generation and that virus has spread. It has permeated our culture and our concepts.

Get all you can while you can and fuck the rest.

Good people suffer, successful people thrive.

We are all being crushed under the weight of our national identity.

We are all ONE NATION, we need to start to believe that. We need to start to work towards a unified world, where man is simply a term of endearment and not the defining aspect of a hierarchy that has driven us so far from each other that we find validation for our choice to reject in the color of skin or choice of god or even location of birth.

So I say FUCK YOU to the void. FUCK YOU to the corps and businesses that thrive on the smoke from the burning souls they have enslaved.

FUCK YOU to the apathetic masses who turn a blind eye to the suffering of the other passengers on this spinning globe shaped startship.

I am unemployed and I am lost but I am not blind nor do I not feel. My suffering is a paradise to those far worse than I, I only wish I could alleviate some of their burden.

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